Where & When the Reunion Is...

Saturday, September 22, 2001 - 6 pm until 11 pm

Spring Arbor Senior Center, 122 Star Street (behind McDonald's), Spring Arbor, MI

Social Hour 6 -7
Buffet Dinner - at 7
DJ 7-11

Here is the form you are supposed to fill out and send in to RSVP for the reunion>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

SIGNUPFORM.JPG (44185 bytes)

Cost: $20 per person

RSVP by 8-15-01 with payment to: 
H-H 76 Reunion, 7505 Bowerman Rd., Horton, MI 49246

(make checks payable to "H-H 76 Reunion".)

Also try to meet at the home football game, Friday September 21st - look for the signs in the stands!


The Reunion...When & Where

Class E-Mails

Our List of Who was voted "Most Likely To Succeed" and other items

A Few Photos
  Current Pictures of our Classmates

Main Page

Pictures From Prior Reunions