I scanned a few pictures that I had from high school, and two from our yearbook.  These are thumbnails; click on them to see the full-size picture.  If you have any good pictures from High School, email them to me and I'll add them! Lori & Harvey Harrell sent 2 of the pictures below, thanks!

basketball.jpg (101060 bytes) CLASSOFFICERS.JPG (30673 bytes)
harrellsyoung.jpg (50604 bytes)Lori (Grow) Harrell and Harvey Harrell GRADCEREMONY.JPG (108360 bytes)
group2.jpg (92693 bytes) calendar.JPG (132501 bytes)
mikefoos.JPG (120547 bytes)


The Reunion...When & Where

Class E-Mails

Our List of Who was voted "Most Likely To Succeed" and other items

A Few Photos
  Current Pictures of our Classmates

Main Page

Pictures From Prior Reunions