Pictures From Prior Reunions...
(thanks to Lori (Grow) Harrell for the pictures and naming everyone - maiden names are shown)

15threunion2.jpg (276047 bytes)15 year reunion last row: Chuck Hatch, Jeff Holland, Jeff Foos, Harvey Harrell, Geoff Keeler, Dave Sowa, Lonnie McClure, Bob Dziewiatkowski, John Gillett, Sandy Moore, Harold West, Tom Maitland
third row: Judy Lucas, Lori Grow, Dave Saxman, Kathy McGee, Patti Clark, Elizabeth Nelson, Pam Kloostra, Phil Hart, Jill Dockery, Sue Crissy, Kathy McCarthy, Dawn Spink, Joe Meert
second row: Allen Vogt, Tim McClain, Greg Phillips, Rocky Warren, Cheryl DeForest, Lisa Hinckley, Lori Williams, Shelley Brunner, Pat Trefry, Susan Minner, Calvin Shoemaker
first row: Katrina Swihart, Cindy Redman, Carol Gilbert, Laurie Gibbs, Sue Omo, Kathi Howard, Linda Pilatowicz, Julie Schwenker

Pictures From the 10 Year Reunion

sandyalice.jpg (175691 bytes)Sandy Moore & Alice Roberston jefftomsteveharold.jpg (153259 bytes)Jeff Holland, Tom Markewicz, Steve Griffes, Harold West
alanphilrichdianepatti.jpg (122246 bytes)Alan  Vogt, Phil Hart, Richard Kinsey, Diane Janes, Patti Clark sherreekenkathitrefry.jpg (152816 bytes)Sherree Baldwin, Ken Spink, Kathi Howard, Mrs. Trefry
davebob.jpg (191164 bytes)Dave Sowa & Bob Dziewiatkowski dianecammeemarthatheresa.jpg (156569 bytes)Diane Janes, Cammee Hayner, Martha Armstrong, Theresa Vargo


The Reunion...When & Where

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Pictures From Prior Reunions